个人简介 向穷,1985 年出生,任职于bat365标准版,医学研究中心常务副主任;本 硕博毕业于哈尔滨工业老员工物医学工程专业, 法国医学科学院血液生化与药理研究所博 士后研究员,法国科学与应用基金会会员(2017-2019),德国亥姆赫兹研究所慕尼黑研 究中心访问学者;现主要从事神经病理性疼痛发病机制,糖尿病外周和中枢神经病变及老年 痴呆等神经退行性病变相关机制的研究工作,主持 2 项国家自然科学基金,1 项省自然科学 基金和教育厅优秀青年基金以及参与多项国家自然科学基金,以第一作者(含共同一作)发 表多篇 SCI 论文,荣获湖南省自然科学基金奖三等奖(排名第二)。
近 5 年来发表的研究论文:
1. Xiang Q, Zhang J, Li CY, Wang Y, Zeng MJ, Cai ZX, Tian RB, Jia W, Li XH. Insulin resistance-induced hyperglycemia decreased the activation of Akt/CREB in hippocampus neurons: Molecular evidence for mechanism of diabetes-induced cognitive dysfunction. Neuropeptides. 2015, 54:9-15.
2. Xiang Q, Yu C, Zhu YF, Li CY, Tian RB, Li XH. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 antibody attenuates thermal hyperalgesia in the dorsal rootganglion: Neurochemical changes and behavioral studies after sciatic nerve-pinch injury. Injury. 2016, 47(8):1647-54.
3. Xiang Q, Li XH, Yang B, Fang XX, Jia J, Ren J, Dong YC, Ou-Yang C, Wang GC. Allicin attenuates tunicamycin-induced cognitive deficits in rats via its synaptic plasticity regulatory activity.Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2017, 20(6):676-682.
4. Xiang Q, Fang XX, Jia J, Ren J, Dong YC, Ou-Yang C,Li XH. Alterations of Synaptic Plasticity in Aged Rats: Evidence of Functional andMorphological Studies. Technology and Health Care. 2018;26(2):271-278.
5. Xiang Q, Li JJ, Li CY, Tian RB, Li XH*. Somatostatin type 2 receptor antibody enhances mechanical hyperalgesia in the dorsal root ganglion neurons after sciatic nerve-pinch injury: Evidenceof molecular andbehavioral studies. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets. 2019;18(10):791-797.
6. Li Y * , Xiang Q * ( * Co-first author), Yao YH, Li JJ, Wang Y, Li XH*. Inactivated AMPK-α2 promotes the progression of diabetic brain damage by Cdk5 phosphorylation at Thr485 site. Biochimie. 2020;168:277-284.